Monday 20 July 2015

Time to lose the pounds!

I sit here today as a chocaholic weighing 13 stone 11bs. My BMI is 34.1 which makes me obese. But this needs to change so the diet starts NOW, my target is to get to 9st 10lbs, which is in the healthy range for my height and age. The plan is to loosely follow the slimming world diet plan with a few differences. I am going to meal plan which will hopefully help to keep me on track and ties in nicely with my grocery challenge I'm beginning in august.

My biggest problem when it comes to weight loss is that I'm rubbish with portion sizes and I always end up with too much, along with the fact I am a fussy eater. I don't really eat much fruit, or many salad products. Thinking about it I'm not that great with exercise either, I never did like PE at school, but I must do something about that. In fact I need to change a lot, my food needs to be healthier, I need to try and have my 5 a day, I need to cut down on fizzy drinks and try to drink more water, I need to eat less chocolate and sweet treats, and finally I need to do at least 10-15 minutes exercise a day.

I will post updates of my progress as I go along but for now

Start Weight - 13 stone 11lbs
Target Weight - 9st 10lbs

Weight to lose - 4 stone 1bs

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