Monday 17 August 2015

Being Organised

My mum would tell you, I am notorious for writing lists. I have them all over the place, of all different things from presents lists, to craft stock, even DVD's I want. So you would think I'm quite an organised and tidy person, but the truth is I'm not. Our house as per usual is a mess, and not just and Amelie mess, there's half started craft projects, paperwork, just everything all over the place. Looking round right now, as I'm sat on my sofa, I'm feeling the need to tidy and organise better, I just don't know where to start.

My plan some way is to do 1 or 2 small things everyday to try and tidy up and get myself more organised. Things as simple as filing away letters and organising my craft stuff better. There's a website and there's a thread on moneysaving expert called flylady, which is along the same sort of lines, possibly a bit more aimed at the cleaning side of things more, but it's well worth a read for motivation and tips, I'm going to sit and have another read through myself and you guessed it write a list of my plan of action.

Week 1 - Plan of action

Tuesday - Sort out Magazine Rack
                 Clean Cooker

Wednesday - Sort my dresser
                      Organise Amelie's Jigsaws

Thursday - Sort Amelies Bookcase
                  Dust and Arrange Window Ledges

Friday - Sort my bookcase
             Re Organise CD Rack

Saturday - Sort top of fridge
                  Clean and organise top of my wardrobe

Sunday - Tidy Hallway
                Sort and Photograph things to sell box

Monday - Sort Plastic Drawers
                Clean Bathroom

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