Tuesday 20 October 2015

How to write to manufacturers

This is something I have been doing for a while now, I started by writing to a couple of companies with a compliant about the food. These were genuine complaints, so if you feel you have a complaint about a product why not pop the company an email or a letter and let them know. Please use genuine complaints though as we don't want to ruin companies kindness for others.

You can also write to companies of your favourite products to tell them how much you love them, the truth is the customer service staff like to have a happy letter once in a while.

I'll be honest and say I have done both and I don't write to them expecting results. Yes if its for a complaint I'd appreciate at least an acknowledgement of my compliant. So when I receive freebies or coupons its a great bonus. I'm a bit of a fan of getting post as you may know, so that's why I write to a company but admittedly sending an email may be cheaper.

If you keep an eye on my monthly postbox post you will see what responses I get. But please don't then go and contact all that I get a reply from, go through your cupboards and pick half a dozen products that you love and tell the company that. And you never know you may be lucky.

Have you ever complained about a product service? What reply did you get?

If you do contact any companies be sure to let me know!

Why I don't like kid's TV?

Am I the only parent who really hates some children's programmes?

I have a personal dislike of quite a few, the thing that annoys me most is the programmes I don't like are some that Amelie does. Sometimes I think the aim behind the programmes and what there teaching is good, its the way there put across, which sometimes I find pathetic. I don't know why kid's enjoy them, I really don't. Most of the shows Amelie loves involve music in some way, but's that's just because she loves to dance.

I'm not going to name which shows because the truth is we all have different opinions and the even bigger truth is tomorrow I may enjoy them, because I like to change my mind.

But there's a few I do really like and Amelie loves too:

- Topsy and Tim
- Mr Bloom : Here and There
- My pet and me
- Sofia the first
- Paw Patrol

We're big fans of them all in this house, and do you know what I'm going to admit we have these on most days.

Do you like kid's TV?
Which shows do you like?
Which ones don't you?

Sunday 18 October 2015

Samaritan Purse shoebox appeal

I have been making a shoebox to send via Samaritans purse for quite a few years, but this year Amelie has helped. We decided to make ours for a little boy aged 2-4.
What is Samaritan's purse?
The mission is to demonstrate God's love in a tangible way to needy children around the world. It's done by people like me in the UK filling a shoebox with lots of goodies from school supplies, non-liquid hygiene items and toys.
Our Shoebox
I let Amelie go through my box of goodies I collect from in the sales over the year to pick what she wanted to put in the box. I assisted a little but I think she picked well in the end and we hope the little boy who receive it like it. 
If you would like to take part and make a shoebox too head over Samaritans purse website to find out more. 

Friday 16 October 2015

Slimming World - Week 4

So far I've lost 3 1/2 lbs which maybe not as much as I was hoping but I've lost so I'm happy. This week I've been pretty good, I even took a salad to work on Saturday night and managed to resist the chocolates, so I'm proud of myself. Didn't manage to stay on plan yesterday which probably had a knock on effect meaning I only lost 1/2 lbs this week, which has disappointed me a little if I'm being honest. I'm glad I stayed for image therapy, it has really given me some motivation for this week to come.

If your a slimming world member, today I realised the importance of staying at group and how I think it really helps weight loss, so if you don't already stay, start!

I've set myself a goal for the next week to lose 2lbs, so I'm going to be strict & on plan and try to do plenty of body magic. So hopefully I'll be able to meet that goal this week. Next slimming update I will post will be early Nov and I'll let you know how I'm getting on

Direct Shopping Companies

Are they worth it?
The truth is it really is down to an individual as to whether it works for them. I have a friend who is a body shop at home consultant and manages to make a full time income from it. Where as for me it's just not been worth it for any of the companies I've tried.

There are a lot of direct companies out there these days including
  • Body Shop
  • Phoenix Trading
  • Neal's Yard
  • Usborne Books 
just to name a few. All of these companies in some way or form require you to make some sort of investment whether it's buying a starter pack or just buying catalogues & business stationary. I'm not saying it's not worth it, because for some people it is, I've got friends who working for a direct selling company fits perfectly round there families and there lifestyles.

I guess my point of this post is to anyone thinking of joining a direct selling company, take your time to think about it and be prepared for hard work and lots of time promoting. I hope it works for you, as sometimes they really are great. Plus to anyone reading and you work for a direct sales / shopping company, feel free to send me a catalogue, pop me an email to get my address as I prefer paper copies.

Thursday 15 October 2015

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels

Last night was one of my regular monthly trips to Norwich Theatre Royal, this time we saw Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. I hadn't heard a lot about the show before we went, but it was great fun and really comical. There was some really great songs in the show, my personal favourite was 'great big stuff'.

The show had a great all star cast including Noel Sullivan (formally in Hearsay), Carley Stenson (former hollyoaks star) and Gary Wilmot. Noel who played Freddie was awesome, as a child I loved Hearsay and I'm going to have to say I think musical theatre is a much better fit for him. The whole cast were fantastic, and it is a really well written show. I say this to you every time I see a show, but again I really do recommend if you can you see this show.

I'd love to hear what your favourite musicals are or what you've seen recently? Pop over to my facebook page to tell me.

Wednesday 14 October 2015

My Postbox October - Part 1

I've been checking my postbox everyday to see what I've got. Free stuff is one of my favourite things to receive, yes you have to request it, but there so fun to get and most of it is really useful. If any of the freebies I get are still available to request I will pop a link under the photo, so you can request them too.
So far this month I have had:
1st - First was a letter all about Amelie's place at nursery in January, very scary my little girl has grown up so quickly.
I also had my 'your home that I get every month
3rd - I had quite a lot of post today, including a letter from coca cola thanking me for my feedback. The rest were all eBay purchases.
5th - Amelie had post today, a lovely letter from Bernard Matthews saying thank you for her picture and they even threw in a coupon too
7th - We've had a McDonalds open in town recently so I has some £1.99 coupons for there today
8th - Today I had a letter from Good Housekeeping confirming my free 6 month subscription, which is for Dec 15 - May 16, so I'm expecting my first issue some point in November
9th - Today was more post for Amelie, we wrote to Heinz a while back to say how much Amelie loves spaghetti hoops and today she got 2 magnets, a pen, some post-its and a personalised card as a thank you.
10th - First up today was another one for Amelie, as you probably tell Amelie likes to draw pictures and is always asking me to send them to whoevers made what she is eating. Today was a reply to a picture sent to Dr Moo milkshakes straws, she got a lovely letter and some packs of milkshake straws which she was very happy about when she opened it.

Also today was a freebie, a sample of envelopes from Blake envelopes, which when this was posted were still available here  http://www.blake-envelopes.com/sample-basket
12th - Today I received some samples from bestbuyenvelopes.co.uk which were unavailable as this was posted, but worth checking on.
14th - Today all I had was a postage slip from the post office to say they were unable to deliver a parcel, so i'll go get that tomorrow and tell you what it is in part 2 at the end of the month.

Tuesday 13 October 2015


BzzAgent is a trial/campaign website, I have been a member since 2013. They are a site who run trials for new and existing products. You need to answer surveys so they know your likes and habits, your then invited into campaigns they feel your suited too. Once your part of a campaign your sent products to try, and in return you tell everyone your views on the product via social media, online and face to face.

I've been lucky to be part of a few campaigns now including
  • Jacob's Cracker Crisps
  • Veet Easy Wax
  • Tesco free from
  • Nescafe Azera
It's a great site to be part of, click on the link to find out more and join yourself

Sunday 11 October 2015

Jesus Christ Superstar

I have been singing the songs ever since the show ended last night. As you know I go to the theatre quite a bit, but this was a bit different, the show last night was by Dereham theatre company and my dad and good friend do the sound for these shows, so I go and help after to get the kit out. I do always make sure I go and see the show before too.

Last night shows was one of the best I've ever seen by Dereham theatre company. I'll be honest and say I have never been a huge fan of Jesus Christ superstar but the cast did such a good job. It was cast perfectly, Jesus did a great job along with Judas & Mary, and Paul who played Herod was awesome he had the whole audience laughing. The music, vocals and choreography were cleverly planned and the story was told in a great way. If the show was still running I would tell you, you have to go and see it, but if your local I'd def recommend keeping an eye out for the other Dereham Theatre Company shows.

Saturday 10 October 2015

My craft fair top tips

If you've read my all about me post you will know I am a crafter and run Handmade by Toots. As part of that I've been going to craft fairs for a while now, so I thought I'd write my top ten tips for having a stall at a craft fair.

    1. Table Cover - Some Fairs provide a table but not usually a table cloth, so make sure you take one with you. I would suggest one that covers the table and hangs down to the floor, so you can store spare stock underneath.
    2. Change - Make sure you take plenty of change, I always take enough take enough that if a customer bought my cheapest item and gave me a £20 note I would have enough change, as well as a bit extra.
    3. Business Stationary - There will always be people who look at your stall who don't or can't buy there and then so make sure you have some business cards or leaflets so they can get in touch at a later date. Also put a business card in with every purchase so a customer knows how to order from you if they want more products
    4. PLI - Public Liability Insurance may seem like a expensive thing you don't need but it really is worth it and would be cheaper than someone claiming. Most organisers do now require it.
    5. Plan your display - Even just on the dining table it's worth practising your stall set up, to save time on the day as well as ensuring your stall is eye catching and with enough height.
    6. Food and Drink - Take food and drink with you so you don't spend all your profits and you don't have to leave your stall unattended.
    7. Other stallholders - Introduce yourself to other stallholders, they will know of other craft fairs as well as having ideas and tips for you.
    8. Demonstrate - If the supplies for what you make are easy to transport and fairly safe, then it's worth sitting and making some products while your there as customers love to see items being made.
    9. Stock - Make sure you take enough to fill the size table you've got as well as a bit extra to replenish if you make sales
    10. Smile - Be friendly and engage with your potential customers
Hope some of these tips may help some of you.

Friday 9 October 2015

The Works - 10 for £10

On 25th September I placed an order with the works because they had a great deal of 10 kids books for £10! Such a great deal making some really good titles only a £1 when some of them retail at around £5 normally. I got some great ones including:

- One Pig went for a drive
- Katie Morag and dancing class
- Large Family: Five Minutes Peace

There was also titles like 'we're going on a bear hunt'. This offer came at a great time before Christmas. I like to get a good deal on bits because Amelie then gets more presents for the same amount of money, especially with Amelies birthday less than a month before Christmas.

As I write this post the offer is still on but be quick because I'm not sure how long for


Thursday 8 October 2015

Slimming World - Week 3

I didn't make it to slimming world last week because I was poorly, I'll be honest and say I haven't done very well on the diet probably because I was ill so I just wanted quick and easy food. But from Sunday I was back on the plan and although I have a feeling when I get weighed in a minute I will have gained, at least I'll know what I've done wrong.

The Weigh In

So I was wrong I actually lost 1 and a half lbs. So maybe getting myself back on plan worked. So Woop!

The plan for this week is to keep on plan all week, as well as doing some exercise, which the SW's call Body Magic. Will keep you all up to date with my progress and share some of my personal tips.

Wednesday 7 October 2015

ELC Happyland Toys Review

I have to say we are huge fans of all the early learning centre happyland toys in our house. We've got quite a few different sets now and we love them all. I do have a few favourites, some we have and there's a couple we don't, that I wish we did. One set Amelie loves id the fun fair, she loves the merry go round (pictured below) and the swinging pirate ship.
My favourite has got to be the solider marching band, I bought these because of them being busby soldiers, my cousin is a scots guard so we buy quite a few busby themed toys. I also love the school set, its a nice collection of figures and features a lot of normal school themed items, and my favourite part the sand box.
There's a few sets I'd love to get including
- Nativity Set
- Circus Set
- Musical Village Church
All the happyland toys are great Amelie had her first set when she was about 18 months and now nearly 3 she still loves to play with them and I think she will for another couple of years to come, the sets are great value for money so I highly recommend.
Why not pop over to Early Learning Centre website to see all the sets they have available.
Disclaimer :  These views are my own and this review was not paid for or requested by ELC 

Monday 5 October 2015

My Postbox - September

So this is going to be a new monthly feature for the blog, basically just a load of pictures , of the post I have had the past month, not the boring things like bills etc. It's going to be more free stuff, comp wins and post like that.
So here goes my post from September:
Hipp Baby Club pack on weaning including coupons even one for a free stage 1 jar
'Your Home' magazine, my auntie brought me a years subscription for xmas2014 so I get this every month
Taylors Coffee Capsules - Espresso 3 little freebie samples.
This is technically Amelies post, she sent Britvic a picture to say how much she loves fruit shoots and they sent her some stickers and a voucher to buy some more fruit shoots.
Shane Filan - Right Here album signed copy, Ok so I bought this but I just had to share it because I love it.
Finally I sent a letter to Werther's a while back with a compliment and today I received some butter candies and some chewy toffees as a thank you
What did you get this month?
Pop over to my facebook page to tell me!

Thursday 1 October 2015

Saving for Amelie - Sept 15 update

So the total at the end of August was £105.85 / £13,120.00. I'm really happy with this total so far, it feels like a really good start.

1st - Sold a book for 50p and have 42p loose change to kick off the month.

2nd - 28p loose change to add today

5th - 39p loose change today

10th - Another bit of loose change, 94p today.

11th - Amelie got £6 from her great granddad today which we've added to Amelies pot along with 45p of loose change.

13th - 50p I found on the floor to add along with 30p loose change

14th - £1 my nan gave Amelie & 1p loose change to add today

15th - Sold a DVD today so that's £1 to add today & 43p loose change

18th - £1.36 loose change to add plus another £1 for a book sold.

22nd - £1.50 to add today from selling a teddy

24th - £2 for some unwanted craft stuff + 55p loose change to add too

27th - £1.40 to add of loose change & selling one of Amelie's t-shirts

Not a bad month really, Amelie's fund is slowly growing. The total is now £125.88