Saturday 10 October 2015

My craft fair top tips

If you've read my all about me post you will know I am a crafter and run Handmade by Toots. As part of that I've been going to craft fairs for a while now, so I thought I'd write my top ten tips for having a stall at a craft fair.

    1. Table Cover - Some Fairs provide a table but not usually a table cloth, so make sure you take one with you. I would suggest one that covers the table and hangs down to the floor, so you can store spare stock underneath.
    2. Change - Make sure you take plenty of change, I always take enough take enough that if a customer bought my cheapest item and gave me a £20 note I would have enough change, as well as a bit extra.
    3. Business Stationary - There will always be people who look at your stall who don't or can't buy there and then so make sure you have some business cards or leaflets so they can get in touch at a later date. Also put a business card in with every purchase so a customer knows how to order from you if they want more products
    4. PLI - Public Liability Insurance may seem like a expensive thing you don't need but it really is worth it and would be cheaper than someone claiming. Most organisers do now require it.
    5. Plan your display - Even just on the dining table it's worth practising your stall set up, to save time on the day as well as ensuring your stall is eye catching and with enough height.
    6. Food and Drink - Take food and drink with you so you don't spend all your profits and you don't have to leave your stall unattended.
    7. Other stallholders - Introduce yourself to other stallholders, they will know of other craft fairs as well as having ideas and tips for you.
    8. Demonstrate - If the supplies for what you make are easy to transport and fairly safe, then it's worth sitting and making some products while your there as customers love to see items being made.
    9. Stock - Make sure you take enough to fill the size table you've got as well as a bit extra to replenish if you make sales
    10. Smile - Be friendly and engage with your potential customers
Hope some of these tips may help some of you.

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